Keeping me company whilst writing a paper last night: Chuck Norris. This show is great background noise.
However. Overlooking the fact that it's Chuck Norris, and all the bad guys are your general "that guy" bad guy of '90's television - why does every one of them fight? Seriously bad guys, you've been cornered by Texas Rangers. Not the football ones, the arresting you ones. Sure, try to evade capture. Throw a conveniently placed wooden crate in their path. But throw punches and martial arty moves at Rangers? Now you've got whatever the heck it is you did wrong plus resisting arrest AND assaulting an officer. Then you've got some bad guy who pulls a knife or a gun. Like Officer Trebeck told you, that's assault with a deadly weapon. Think about the time, bad guys!
I say before doing the crime, think about the time. Put a cap on it. Like if I'm going to a boat, I'm prepared to lose say, $20 on slots and roulette. Before you rob that liquor store, think about how many years you're prepared to do. If throwing a roundhouse at Chuck Norris puts you over the limit, don't DO it.
You know why the bad guys fight? Because Walker looks like that guy who just 10 years or so ago, was in all those Vietnam movies and those movies where Ninjas and terrorists were coming to Invade our shopping malls.
That have to think they could beat that guy.
Thet's be wrong. Wait til Stone Cold Steve Austin guest stars...
Dude, last night it was Stone Cold Steve Austin in one episode, but he was the "good" guy, considering he was also a convict. At least I think that was him. That guy really looked more like The Undertaker. Way too many muscles for nature and kind of red like a newborn.
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