I may think too much about lip balm, because last night I dreamed I was waiting in line with my sister for some restaurant, and there were shelves and bins for impulse purchasing before the host stand, and I almost bought some lip balm with spf 15 for $1.99. Came in a pretty blue and white tube. I dream in color - cool!
I do love lip balm. My current tube of choice is Desert Essence Lip Rescue with Shea Butter from Whole Foods. 'Cause I'm all high brow like that. This stuff would be perfect if it had spf. It's made in the USA, cruelty free and biodegradable. Win, win and win!

COMPLETELY unrelated: Trish's favorite Spanish word of the week is....
This guy to the left got a wetsuit, because he's balding. Article at http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/newsletter/dp-pierrepenguinwetsuit,0,4171958.story
1 comment:
Dude he looks like the Batman of Penguins!
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