Monday, April 28, 2008

Lip Balm

I may think too much about lip balm, because last night I dreamed I was waiting in line with my sister for some restaurant, and there were shelves and bins for impulse purchasing before the host stand, and I almost bought some lip balm with spf 15 for $1.99. Came in a pretty blue and white tube. I dream in color - cool!

I do love lip balm. My current tube of choice is Desert Essence Lip Rescue with Shea Butter from Whole Foods. 'Cause I'm all high brow like that. This stuff would be perfect if it had spf. It's made in the USA, cruelty free and biodegradable. Win, win and win!

COMPLETELY unrelated: Trish's favorite Spanish word of the week is....


This guy to the left got a wetsuit, because he's balding. Article at,0,4171958.story

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Today, I am a good citizen.

This is the sinkhole just south of Trader Joe's that I reported to 311.

Not as exciting as the sinkhole that ate the tree and car this past winter.

I wonder how much poking I'd have to do before that chunk of street fell into whatever there is underneath?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Coors - Mighty Wingman

I didn't get or appreciate the purpose of the wingman before this commercial. Thanks, Coors.

Read "The Wingman Revealed!" here:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Walker, Texas Ranger

Keeping me company whilst writing a paper last night: Chuck Norris. This show is great background noise.

However. Overlooking the fact that it's Chuck Norris, and all the bad guys are your general "that guy" bad guy of '90's television - why does every one of them fight? Seriously bad guys, you've been cornered by Texas Rangers. Not the football ones, the arresting you ones. Sure, try to evade capture. Throw a conveniently placed wooden crate in their path. But throw punches and martial arty moves at Rangers? Now you've got whatever the heck it is you did wrong plus resisting arrest AND assaulting an officer. Then you've got some bad guy who pulls a knife or a gun. Like Officer Trebeck told you, that's assault with a deadly weapon. Think about the time, bad guys!

I say before doing the crime, think about the time. Put a cap on it. Like if I'm going to a boat, I'm prepared to lose say, $20 on slots and roulette. Before you rob that liquor store, think about how many years you're prepared to do. If throwing a roundhouse at Chuck Norris puts you over the limit, don't DO it.

Good Lord, I have a blog now.

I wouldn't say that I'm easily led, but no, I didn't plan to blog. Thank you, Doc!