I'm wondering how many ladies besides me, because there must be someone besides me, have a few tasty adult beverages or just feel especially sassy and find themselves doing the catwalk-walk? When I was a little girl, my womanly role model was Jennifer on "WKRP In Cincinatti". I tried to model her walk, putting one foot precisely in front of the other, as if I was walking a tight rope. That's difficult to do in sand, as the AB pointed out to me in Sydney, but I digress. So I'm walking home this evening from the el after having enjoyed a few glasses of wine, and I notice that unconsciously, I'm doing the catwalk. Hips swaying, shoulders squared, chin up. I swear at those moments I'm all "I'm so sexy, Cary Grant should be around here somewhere spilling a martini, because he's mesmerized by my sex appeal." Some guy should ride his bike into a construction cone, because he can't take his eyes off me.
This is balanced out by the unsexiness of sitting on my stoop fishing for my keys in my cavernous bag. But really, that only shows how deep I am. The depths, the complexity...no wonder E-Harmony couldn't handle my Ice Queen-ness.